This is the fourth installment in our series about using the byproducts from the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) – ADDIE process to inform the review-signoff process for developing multimedia instruction (MMI). In Part I of this series, we stressed the importance of the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) – ADDIE process and its byproducts to create, review, and signoff on MMI projects. The Design Specification Document (DSD), was discussed in part II of this series. The script and storyboard from the Design Phase were discussed in part III.
In part IV, we’ll discuss the two key products from the Development Phase of the ADDIE Development process. The final two products that we will discuss are the multimedia instruction course and any supplemental material developed to support the course. The culminating assessments such as final exams and end-of-module tests are normally isolated and reviewed individually as part of the courseware review. The review documents that are associated with the Development Phase are shown in the table below.
The Development phase involves the production of the instructional assets or materials. The assets are developed according to the design blueprints and specifications. The purpose of this phase is to author and produce the course and course materials.
- Assets
- Photos/ graphics
- Animations
- Video
- Narration
- Courseware
- Multimedia Instructions
- eBooks Supplements
- eBooks
- Job Aids and Performance Support Tools
- Administrative
- Assessment Instruments
- Program Evaluation Instruments
- Project Evaluation Instruments
Multimedia Instruction (Courseware)
Once the assets are developed and approved, they are assembled with the authoring tool for review. Some projects will review the multimedia assets independently of the courseware. when this occurs, the design documents used to review the assets as well as the process for review are the same as those for reviewing the courseware.
Normally, the courseware is deployed in the environment in which it will be administered. In addition to meeting all hardware/software specifications, compliance with the LMS/LCMS, Section 508 accessibility, and/or SCORM or Tin Can (xAPI), the functionality associated with learner interactions and navigation must be tested. This is actually the first time you will be able to see all of the assets together, running as intended in the software environment
- What to look for… are there… ?
- Narration & on-screen text comply with storyboard
- Visuals comply with storyboard
- Interaction & assessments match the storyboard
- Template is correctly applied
- Functionality & branching match the storyboard
How design product/deliverable can be used. Normally, the hardware/software, LMS/LCMS, accessibility, and SCORM/Tin Can (xAPI) specifications are included in the DSD. To test these features and functionality, the DSD should be consulted. To test if the narration, on-screen text, and visual media are assembled correctly and in the right sequence, the storyboard should be consulted. The storyboard is also used to test the functionality of interactivities, evaluations, and navigation and branching.
Supplemental Material and Assessment
Supplements such as eBooks and performance support products and assessments such as course or program final exams, scenarios, and simulations follow the same workflow as the review of multimedia instruction. The primary difference is instead of using storyboards for review, these deliverables use the approved drafts of the appropriate product in conjunction with the DSD.