Streamline Your L&D Strategy with Curriculum Mapping

In the fast-paced world of Learning and Development, the pressure to respond to urgent organizational needs can leave teams overwhelmed and directionless. Are you tired of scrambling to meet immediate demands while neglecting long-term goals? 

Discover how Ingenuitiโ€™s innovative approach to curriculum mapping can help your learning team create a strategic roadmap that aligns training initiatives with your organizationโ€™s objectives. Join us as we explore practical insights and strategies to streamline your training efforts and foster a more focused, effective learning environment.

  • What is the Common Challenge?

Everyone in learning and development knows the tyranny of the urgent. A new crisis or demand creates an immediate need that upsets the schedule of everything else. Learning teams are constantly playing catch-up, forced to deal with urgent crises that take priority over the long-term needs of their organization. They often lack the time to create an overall plan that will provide direction for the future.

Eventually, there is a buildup of unmanageable learning assets that are not clearly mapped to organizational outcomes because they were created as a quick fix to solve an immediate issue. And, if this wasnโ€™t enough, in an increasingly budget-conscious world, the L&D team often struggles to demonstrate a return on investment for all the work they are doing.

  • Desired Outcome

What if your learning and development team had a clear roadmap to work from? One that showed all your learning materials mapped to the overall organizational goals and outcomes. And what if these learning materials were also tied to learner pathways and could demonstrate a clear return on investment? Finally, what if this map could clearly demonstrate what future learning programs needed to be created and when?

A properly outlined curriculum map should provide:

  • Alignment across the organizationโ€™s objectives, learner profiles, topics, outcomes, and content.
  • Clearly identified ROI measurement methods.
  • A path forward for future content needs and requirements.
Curriculum Mapping Approach

Ingenuiti's Curriculum Mapping Approach

After observing our clients grapple with this challenge, we developed a curriculum mapping workshop. Over the years, we have refined our approach, consistently proving its value to our clients.

Our workshop equips clients with a detailed curriculum map, outlining a comprehensive scope and training asset sequence that aligns closely with organizational and learning objectives. This flexible tool offers content visualization, structure, and order for long-term planning. It allows learning team members to gain a broad understanding of the learning program’s various components while providing an in-depth view of course topics, outcomes, and deliverables.

The primary goal of this engagement is to develop a comprehensive planning document that not only maps current learning assets to organizational goals but also outlines a strategic plan for scaling these efforts and measuring ROI in the future.

Workshop Deliverables

In this 2-3 hour workshop, Ingenuiti deploys two of its senior learning professionals to expertly guide your team through the development of a comprehensive curriculum map. Upon completion, our team will provide you with a detailed spreadsheet or Miro board featuring three key deliverables:

  • Alignment Framework: This deliverable ensures that the organization’s outcomes, learner profiles, topics, objectives, and content are cohesively aligned.
  • ROI Metrics and Methods: This component identifies effective ways to measure return on investment and outlines the best methods for data collection and analysis.
  • Scalability Insights: This includes strategic notes on potential areas and methodologies for expanding and scaling content in the future.

Additionally, we will provide a Summary Report of our findings, designed for key stakeholders such as budget owners, grant suppliers, C-suite executives, and others. This high-level report outlines the overall strategy, the alignment with organizational goals, and the expected return on investment.

Curriculum Mapping Workshop

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